St. Mary's Elementary School

Telephone Use

As our phone is a business phone, we need to have it free for important incoming and outgoing calls. We therefore discourage pupils from using it. We encourage the older students to show responsibility by letting you know ahead of time their scheduled practice times for sports etc. If practices are changed at the last minute, we will allow the children to inform you. We will not allow calls home to seek permission to go to a friend's home after school. Such arrangements must be made ahead of time.

If an emergency situation arises where you need to get a message to your child or his/her teacher, please call the school and leave your message with the secretary or on the answering machine If you dial in to St. Mary's during the school day and all lines are busy, or if you call before or after school hours, your call will be re-routed to our the school voice mail. If you call during school hours and the matter is an emergency and you get the voice mail, please hang up and try again until you get through.

All parents and visitors to the school must report to the office before going to a classroom. This will eliminate classes being disturbed unnecessarily, and is a safety precaution.

  Quick Links
  • Parent Handbook
    Updated for 2019/2020, this handbook helps parents and families become prepared for the current school year.
  • Monthly Newsletter
    Our monthly newsletter is prepared to keep parents, families and students up to date on all things St. Mary's.
  • St. Mary's Calendar
    View the St. Mary's month-to-month calendar.
  • School Schedule
    St. Mary's school day schedule for the current school year.
  • SAINTS Before & After School Club
    Our before and after school club is ideal for working parents or for parents who need assistance on a drop-in basis.
  • Parent Volunteers
    Find out about our parent volunteer program and opportunities. Book your volunteer appointments online.
  • Fundraisers & Donations
    Find out what fundraiser and donation opportunities are available for the current school year.
  • ORDER UNIFORMS: Neat Uniforms
    Please go to the Neat Uniforms website to order St. Mary's uniforms.
  • French: AIM
    AIM uses story-telling, gestures, active collaboration and repetition to help teach French.
  • Math & English: IXL
    IXL is an online learning experience that provides comprehensive, curriculum-aligned math and English language arts.
  • Reading Resources: Raz-Kids
    Raz-Kids provides students with hundreds of eBooks offered at 29 different levels of reading difficulty. Each eBook has a corresponding eQuizz that measures student comprehension.